Tip of the Spear is part of the remnant circle of conservative prophecy ministries called to warn, encourage, and provide hope to unbelievers and believers alike. Tip of the Spear enters the spiritual battle and does reconnaissance work for unbelievers and believers concerning the developments of the last days’ scenarios and trend lines.
Australia pushes ‘Misinformation’ fines for social media
Platforms would be fined up to 5% of their global revenue for violations
Operation Lockstep: Is Phase Three Being Put In Motion?
The “Lock Step” scenario imagined a world where national governments imposed strict top-down control and authority in response to a global pandemic…
Clinton Calls for Americans to Be ‘Criminally Charged’ for Free Speech
Clinton also accused Republican members of Congress of going “to the floor of Congress” and parroting “Russian talking points.”
Trilateral Commission’s Goal Of Technocracy Pursues Immigration Crisis To Get There
Technocracy is a system pitted against all others, including capitalism, Marxism, and outright Fascism.