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Pastor Brandon

Brandon was saved at nineteen after listening to a series of radio messages through the book of Revelation. Brandon was called into the ministry by the Lord, and he has been in full-time ministry since 2000. He has had various ministry positions such as Young Adult Pastor, Adult Pastor, and Minister of Education. He now serves as Rock Harbor Church’s Senior Pastor. Brandon holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University, New York, NY. He also holds both a Master of Arts in Religion degree, (Cum Laude), and a Master of Divinity, (Cum Laude) from Liberty University Baptist Theological Seminary, Lynchburg, VA. Brandon’s areas of emphasis include: prophecy, discernment, apologetics, Jewish culture and background, and Biblical worldview. Brandon is also a professor at Summit Bible College in Bakersfield, CA. where he teaches Eschatology.  

Useful Information

Tip of the Spear is part of the remnant circle of conservative prophecy ministries called to warn, encourage, and provide hope to unbelievers and believers alike. In light of us living in the last days of the church age and the fact that ninety-eight percent of the pulpits are utterly silent on Bible prophecy, the LORD has raised up this ministry to be a beacon of light to those who, as the Prophet Daniel predicted, would “run to and fro” looking for answers for what they are seeing develop in the world. (Daniel 12:4) The Prophet Daniel predicted that “knowledge would increase,” and the context and Hebrew language indicate that this “knowledge” is actually “THE KNOWLEDGE” of the prophetic scenario that Daniel outlined in his prophecies.” (Daniel 12:4) Therefore, Tip of the Spear’s call is to spread this prophetic knowledge to all of those looking for answers as to why events are happening that defy humanistic explanation. God’s Word, and especially prophecy, have the answer they need. Using multiple media platforms on the internet, Tip of the Spear offers weekly prophecy updates, interviews, lectures, sermons, and in-person conferences in the United States and worldwide.

Tip of the Spear is part of the remnant circle of conservative prophecy ministries called to warn, encourage, and provide hope to unbelievers and believers alike. Tip of the Spear enters the spiritual battle and does reconnaissance work for unbelievers and believers concerning the developments of the last days’ scenarios and trend lines.


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